our master upholster, is equally comfortable with all types and styles of furniture: reupholstering an old frame or making a new one completely from scratch using drawings and measurements.
Old ones may be very fragile and need extensive frame repair, even replacing hand carved legs, taking apart and reglueing pieces, refinishing the frames, rewebbing, hand tying springs, and reshaping the frame for a beautiful aesthetic piece with maximum comfort using horsehair, foam, batting, down/ feathers, and combinations of these.
New frames are created carefully to be the perfect skeleton to achieve the final desired look and maximum comfort.
The work may be quite large banquettes, or small side chairs, and everything in between, including headboards and beds. It may vary in the materials used according to the budget and the particular needs and comfort requirements of the client. At all times, the work is done skillfully and lovingly with great attention to detail, and very experienced hands.

Handmade frame, hand tied springs, horsehair, down and feathers and covered in curly lamb skin.
Adolfo Mencia,
Furniture Design by Kevin Walz